Contractor Disputes

Construction Contracts & Waivers

You can reduce the risk of a Mechanics Lien on your property before any work starts by making sure your contract has adequate provisions to protect you. Illinois law requires contractors to provide sworn statements before payments are due from owners – but only if the statement is requested. Sworn statements list all of the subcontractors and material suppliers involved in the project so an owner can ensure those hired by the general contractor are being paid for their work. Demanding a proper lien waiver in exchange for payment will reduce the potential claimant’s right to a Lien by the amount paid. Make sure your project is structured to diminish the likelihood of Liens being filed against your property.

You may have to pay twice for the same work if you fail to get the proper paperwork before you make any payments to the general contractor. Avoid this expensive pitfall by making sure you obtain the right documentation.

Client Reviews

Fred was our outside source (Builders Plumbing Supply Co./KDA) for legal work that pertained to Mechanics lien and bond claims along with collection files that related to our customer base, primarily contractor related. Fred is a complete professional and was extremely helpful in providing knowledge...

Andrew J. Kennedy

Thank you for your persistence and success in resolving this matter. I am grateful for all of the work that you have done and for your experience and counsel in the difficult legal situations around mechanics liens.

B. Cathers, February, 2013.

We could not have had this success without Fred Lurie’s keen maneuvering and exceptional counsel. He was the difference. Again many thanks to Fred the guidance and solid counsel. Barry W. Hickman Sr. Director of Credit Dal-Tile Corp. Dallas, Texas, July, 2021.

Barry W. Hickman